
By Jackyt

Well it's done

After several months of discussion with my line manager and what I wanted to do rather than retire (of which he was in full agreement with and wanted as well) finally got to see the boss.
She had been making encouraging comments to me and others, so I was thinking I would continue working at the hatchery in a reduced role. After lots of pleasantries she then proceeded to offer me 3 possible roles, all of which she knew weren't on my radar.
1. Continue on a reduced work load but still on the weekend rota.
2. A zero hour contract to cover other technicians holidays.
3. Or coming in and putting data in to the computer.
I didn't need to take any time to refuse all three. I then got up and left the room saying I had work to do in the hatchery.
So I am retiring, although I don't feel old enough and have known nothing other than working. But after some days coming to terms with it I will try and embrace it and if necessary look for another job on my terms.
I've never liked this boss since she started and my feelings haven't changed

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