Mr Darcy's and Edwina Currie

The finale to the baking festival saw the Mr Darcy Custard Pie Fight - Pies and Prejudice.
This event has garnered a lot of media interest as the event was unable to secure insurance and the media latched onto the world gone mad scenario.
Edwina Currie was master of ceremonies.
Before the flinging fun began Edwina took control of the best dressed Darcy competition with Ian Cheetham coming out winner.
The contestants then trouped through the town and down to the recreation ground where the flinging fun took place.
One little lad was overheard saying 'that's the best fun i've ever had!'
The controversy over the event continued with a girls team from Air Studios here in town coming out winners.
It was a fitting end to the world first baking festival.

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