simple moments

By simplemoments




a duck

it doesn’t take much - to be kind - to help someone - or lend a hand - to extend a thoughtful gesture - but how often do we - actually do it - do we find the time - to engage in those - few extra moments - throughout the day - which might make a - difference in someone else’s life

i have a friend - who is exceedingly kind - thoughtful and generous - with her time towards me - and on this day - she reached out - to take me to - a little park i have - not visited since i’ve - been plagued with my - debilitating neurological eye disorder - the one which prevents me - from driving myself hither and yon - so i haven’t been - to said park in - several years to visit - and interact with - my geese and duck feathered friends - i have missed them sorely - and it was fun - to catch up with them - whispering as they glided - across the water - and waddled on the grasses - it all led to…


happy day…..

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