
By MumOf4Wildlings


It's been blowing a hoolie here all day. Still the wildlings have been playing outside in the garden.  They have been doing that and mostly art all day
 Lots of creations happened. 

It gave me a chance to tackle the office. I say office but there is loads stored in there. This house doesn't have much storage whatsoever so everything gets put in there. But I bagged up two bin bags worth of crap. Old art supplies , school work.... the lot. 

We had a lovely delivery this afternoon from.fellow blipper and Friend Mrs HCB. I can't wait to delve into it. 

Mr R is still on his mammoth journey home
 There was a landslide where he was staying so roads were closed. He's been on the road since around 9am and he won't be home until at least 6pm. The wildlings will enjoy having him back. 

Part of Mr R's Xmas arrived today too. I got a couple of our beach photos made up on canvas. So they're now hidden in the office. 

Oh and the jedi has washed his hands about 20 times today. He has to sing the same song over and over while doing it.

Have a lovely weekend.  X 

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