Blips by cb

By cbimages

Another traipse through the woods

Winyards Gap again.  I went to the Post Office to send a letter in an attempt to resolve my brother's National Insurance number.  He changed his name by Deed Poll around 35 years ago and I have a feeling that his NI number is in his old name.  That means that I can't check his State Pension; he can't do it as his Internet connection is pay as you go in Bulgaria.

I also swapped an empty gas bottle for a full one for our backup heating system.  Since we have an air source heat pump a power cut would leave us without heating (which would be the same for any boiler, I know) so I have a gas heater as a backup to provide some element of warmth in the house if necessary.

And on the way home I stopped in Winyard Gap National Trust  reserve to use my borrowed 8mm lens again.  It was between heavy showers, but I managed to avoid getting wet – the camera and lens are "WR" so they weren't a problem.

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