Today's the day

By sheilwill


Today's the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for a miracle

With all the chaos wreaked by Storm Babet over the past few days, I really thought that there was no way that our week on the Island of Arran with the family was going to happen.  Even on the west side of the country largely protected from the worst weather, ferries were cancelled and travelling conditions were generally horrendous.

But then this morning - a bit of a miracle happened.  We woke up to a beautiful day with blue skies and sunshine - and the gale-force winds a thing of the past.  Everything went to plan, the ferry from Ardrossan left on time and the journey across was perfect.  That's Rob taking a few pictures on the way.

And a few hours later it was still all fine when Tim, Melanie and Dominic arrived on the last ferry of the day (see extra).  So we're all gathered and looking forward to some quality time together . . . . . . . . 

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