
By Grammy

Off To Homecoming

It felt good to finally sleep in this morning. Millie snuggled beside me all night. She was so happy to see us. Hubby had Adopt-A-Highway duty with the Knights and left before I woke up. I was making breakfast when he got home. We went to visit two new members of the family. I hope to spotlight them on Monday. I had my blip of them ready to go but then remembered homecoming. Will run up to their house and retake pics another day. We shopped, ate lunch and got ready to go see the grandsons. Parker’s date wasn’t at his house for pictures so I got a solo of him. His mom sent me the photo on the right. She also sent us home with dinner that we will eat soon. Met Mancil and his group at the state park. It was almost time for 5:00 Mass so we hurried to get a few shots before I had to leave. I think both young ladies are cute and polite. The grands are considered the same. Not sure about those dresses though. As we were getting pics, I noticed just about all the girls were dressed the same, just different colors. I got to church with two minutes to spare. It was a fun day. I visited with each of my children, four of our grands and some grand pets. The weather was perfect after the wretched mess we had yesterday. It was still a whole lot better than some folks’ day. I should never complain about anything with all my blessings. We lost another school/adult friend. We see her often at Knights’ events but she never mentioned she was suffering with cancer. How brave she was. Next week, we will rotate between funerals and routine doctor visits. Hope your week will be smoother. Stay safe. Thank you sincerely for visiting my fall foliage page and showering it with hearts, stars and nice comments. “My grandson(s) has(ve) made my world a little kinder a little softer and a whole lot brighter”. -

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