Look Again

By alannahseyes

Green Thought

A moment where moving light makes magic. A combination of filtering and reflection paints a bright green wash on a small part of a grey palm trunk.

Annihilating all that’s made
To a green thought in a green shade.

is one of those fragments of poetry that have always stuck with me. One of the images burned on the retina of my mind's eye. It's from The Garden by Andrew Marvell, a set writer for my High School English final exams. I didn't think much of the rest of the poem, as can be seen by the lack of annotation on my old copy. Back then If I loved a piece of writing I wrote all over it. I do remember a class of smartarse teenagers sniggering at I fall on grass (stoned again!). But how could I forget that "curious" once meant exquisite?

Today's extras feature a relic of my 17 year old self and the basics of my long covid repair kit (music, rest, blipping laptop, garden reflection)
Everything's Gone Green

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