There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Autumn Leaves on Tow Hill: Seeing Red

One of the truly awesome things about Saturdays is that Columbo is on not just once, not twice, but FOUR TIMES on Cozi TV. I know: amazing, right? He's on at 9:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 8 p.m., and 9:30 p.m. My husband and I are big Columbo fans, and so we watch most of them, skipping the afternoon one. 

The 9:30 a.m. one is tough because that's often when I'm out on my morning walk. So I got up and out the door I scooted, walking up Tow Hill and back just in time to sit down with our 9:30 show and a very nice cup of hot tea.

The foliage colors on Tow Hill have been amazing for weeks now. I can't even describe how it is to be there when the light hits all of those glorious leaves, so I think it's best just to show you.

There is a fence along the one side of the road, and so that made it into my shot. Here we have leaves in a variety of shades. We've got yellow and orange and green, and some really lovely reds, which tend to come late to the party. Wow! It always looks like a candy store to me!

Oh, and as Columbo might say, there's just one more thing. . . . We need a soundtrack song to go with this image. So here is Warrant, with I Saw Red.

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