Maid in Wales

By welshmaid50

Bring me sunshine.............

I took a sympathy card into the gym, and we all signed it, ready to send to Cath. I  started my walk home, and just behind me, a young boy ( about 5)  was walking hand in hand with his dad, The youngster was in football gear, and his dad said, you did well today son, and the little boy replied, give me the money now (I kid you not) and when he didn't get an answer he said again, give me the money now, to which dad said, I'll give it to you later.  I wonder what mum will have to say about that?
I arrived home before J , so I made myself a cup of coffee while I was waiting.   When J got home and  had  changed out of his biking gear, we went to Aldi. I saw that they had Merino wool base layer tops ( for cyclists) so I thought they would be idea for me to keep me warm through winter. Not cheap at £19,99, but worth it if it  does the trick. 

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