A New Day

By ANewDay

White Lilac

It seems like a contradiction in terms, but this is white lilac (probably Syringa vulgaris "Alba"). It's actually growing in a neighbour's garden, but we get the benefit of the beautiful blossom and scent every Spring.

Stuck at home again today, so no opportunity to look elsewhere for a blip. I ordered an item online which was faulty, so arranged for a replacement to be delivered and the faulty one collected. That was supposed to happen yesterday, but nobody turned up. Today, the courier arrived to collect the faulty item, but no sign of the replacement. I am assured it will be with me tomorrow (Friday), but of course, they can't say when, so another possible day waiting in for it. Grrrrr!! Why can't some big companies get their act together?

However, the day was not entirely a write-off, as I've joined up to do an online photography course. It was a special offer from one of the voucher companies and the 18 Modules can be done at my own pace. You have to pass one before you can move on to the next and I was very pleased to pass the first Module with 100%. I'm sure they're going to get much harder, so doubt I can keep up that level:-) Wish me luck!

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