secret garden

By freespiral

Looking north

I have mostly achieved today and zoomed down my list in preparation for another well trip to North Kerry with the Artist next Thursday - well keepers on red alert! Talking of wells does she ever not I thought some  of you -ok Spots and Paula, might actually like to see the blessed eel that was spotted on our last foray. Thanks to Nic for taking the photo, I was so excited all I got was a flurry of mud as it beat a retreat but I did see him - fabulous good luck ensured! 
I had to deliver a book to the North side and everything was going on weather-wise including a large and smudgy rainbow. Look carefully and you can see a teeny lighthouse on its rock - this was for sale not so long ago and I found it, momentarily , tempting - a rock, a row of 19C lighthouse keeper's cottage and a fair amount of splendid isolation. Not brilliant if you suffer from serious seasickness though I suppose.
Having delivered the book I was rewarded with the most delicious carrot cake to bring home - full of chunkiness and no sugar.
Travelling back over the mountain the rainbows were following me. I stopped to let a car go by (teeny road) gazed out of the window and was stunned to see this double  bow right next to me!

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