
By HeidiHH

All at base

Grey day. Some drizzles. Very boring weather. 

Started another puzzle. Not enough light to do it. This one really is screaming for some sunlight. So making it might take a loooong while.

Researchers have found a link between Long Covid and serotonin. Although serotonin is known specifically as a neurotransmitter in the brain, most serotonin is produced in the gut – not the brain. 

I have IBS. In Spain my gut was better and we thought it was due to better quality food (not so much processed), but apparently sun helps make serotonin, so perhaps that's why I was feeling better in Spain.

Also my Long Covid seemed to take a rest for the summer and now some symptoms are returning. And we don't have much daylight here any more. Most days are grey at best.


Don't know. But now I'm trying to increase intake of foods that help produce serotonin such as egg, nuts, banana, cheese, milk, tuna and turkey. Those contain a lot of tryptophan that is needed for the production of serotonin. I do not want to use SSRI medication. They really mess me up.

This is very interesting. It could be that my IBS is making me lack serotonin and that is making me vulnerable for the Long Covid.

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