
By Hamp5on

Testing testing...

This blip is like one of those colour blindness tests, ha! They also remind me of samples in a Petri dish. It's actually an EB of the health shots I made and froze today. Extremely ginger heavy, lemons, limes, celery and spinach. I liked the various bubbles in the tray. 
A morning of finishing off bits for part of a seminar on Friday, getting ready for Vienna tomorrow etc etc...
Team meeting this afternoon and catching up on what's happening across the island, and then a quick hug goodbye with the Atlanta Boys as they'll have flown back by the time I'm home from the 24-7 Prayer Gathering. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Getting lots of things done this morning, life admin stuff.
2) Really good voice notes with Amanda in Glasgow.
3) These 2 songs both on Strictly this weekend. This from JVKE and this collab from Bastille & Hans Zimmer... Music just brings me SO much joy!

An extra grateful...the local paper using a few of my pics in an article about yesterday's 0km lunch. A nice surprise to see my pics and name! 

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