Bit of a Parliament

Continuing my theme of the past couple of days, these lintel stones are the only surviving part of the pre- Union , Independent, Scottish Parliament. They can be found in the new Parliament building at Holyrood over one of the sets of double doors that lead to the debating chamber.

The plaque on the right says, in English & Gaelic :

" These stones were once part of Parliament Hall built in 1632-40 to house the Scottish Parliament and the Supreme Courts. Parliament Hall was used for meetings of the Scottish Parliament until the Union of 1707.

In the early nineteenth century the facade of Parliament Hall was replaced by the present classical style facade. Robert Dundas of Arniston, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, saved the stones and used them to form part of a footbridge at his home, Arniston House.

In 2003 Althea Dundas-Bekker of Arniston gifted the stones to the new Scottish Parliament."

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