Blood and guts

My last class of this academic year and we decided to have some fun with stage make up, giving each other fake horrific looking injuries all under the umbrella term of working with others! (I had pre warned members of staff, first aiders and reception staff just incase they looked a little too real from a distance.) The students loved it and we got lots of comments and only one or two screams!

Incase you would like to try this for yourself, the recipe is as follows;

custard powder
red food colouring
*put together in a pan and cooked as you would custard, taken off the heat as soon as it starts to thicken*

1 cup flour
1 cup water
1/2 cup salt
1 tbs oil
1tbs cream of tarter
1/2 tsp ish coffee granules
*put together in a pan on a medium heat and stirred until all the ingredients come together in a dough*

The degree and diploma show came down at work today, the white walls are looking very bare again. It gives next years students something to think about! I said some sad farewells to students who are moving on, I'm sure that we will hear good things from you all in the future.

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