
By dreaming

It just keeps coming

The phone rang this morning to let me know that my carpal tunnel surgery has been canceled because I was in the hospital this weekend.  That was actually a good thing, since with Lex's surgery scheduled for the following day I wouldn't have the support system I would need with one hand out of commission. I could just reschedule.

Then I went to dialysis and my fistula fizzled; blood was clotting in a way that couldn't be controlled and they had to end my session early.  Until I get the fistula repair procedure, I can't go back to dialysis.  So now I have to see how quickly I can get that done, as it's not safe to go too long without dialysis.  I have to call the vascular surgeon's office tomorrow to set up an appointment.

And on top of all that my stomach is giving me constant severe pain and my hospital stay didn't address that at all.  I'm afraid to find out what will go wrong next.  I'm just overwhelmed.

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