
By 1bluebell


I noticed a few days ago that my flowering cactus was in bud. I assume it is a thanksgiving cactus by the time of year it is flowering .
Cooker duly arrived at the church and Scot our engineer gave a sigh of relief that it fitted in the gap. It was 89cm and not 90 cm as stated. He now has the problem of fixing it to the electric as he had forgotten it needed wiring in for the ignition and apparently has an electric grill. He will will be back tomorrow.
Chiropractic at 7:30 and it was such a shock driving in the dark for the first time. Hated it. Then a Tesco shop done, that was stressful as they are changing everything round and I needed to afk assistant every time I wanted something !!!
Defo needed a coffee after that
Tonight tried to book a trip for adam and Lorinda but the Canadian system won't take my addresss to pay for it. This trip is going to get stressful I can see. . I don't mind paying but just can't .
CBS tonight on Jacob and his family

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