
By spannarama

Queuing for the feeder

Some interesting weather - and light - today.  It kept intermittently being very sunny and very rainy - often at the same time.  I noticed several birds queuing up in the tree outside our bedroom for the bird feeder above (on our balcony), while I was getting ready for work.  Grabbed my camera and made the most of the nice light :)

Had a good work day.  Tim painted the dining room wall with our new blue paint today - and it looks so good!  SO much better than the crappy Dulux we used previously.

I popped out for a short (but hilly) walk at lunch - to post a birthday card to Tim's Mum.  I was in search of a postbox with a collection time later than 9am, but was thwarted - so ended up walking in a big loop and posting it in the one we normally use, at the bottom of our road.  Ah well, it was nice to get out in the sunshine and get a bit of exercise!

Also had a nice chat with my Mum this morning.  She'd been a bit under the weather when I spoke to her at the weekend, but happily is feeling better now.

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