Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy


I never take shots of people - well, not strangers anyway, because I don't know how to go about it. Yesterday I was inspired by earthdreamer's awesome shot, and decided that rather than Blip a flower/gerbil/dog/my breakfast, I would try and get a real life person in my Blip.

I really, really wanted to photograph the 2 winos drinking cider at 8.30am in the park, but I didn't have the nerve to ask them. So instead I shot this chap, without asking, as he was getting in the way of all my shots anyway!

So a song. There's the obvious one, and umpteen songs about wheels or turning or spinning (I could post a link to Kylie in her gold shorts...)...but as it's Friday I'm going with a song about a different sort of bike, so I can sing the lines:-

"Just wrap your legs round these velvet rims
And strap your hands across my engines"

very loudly, and recall the one time I was on a motorbike and how absolutely petrified I was.

Happy weekend x

PS My Nik Collection free trial has run out and I can't decide whether it's worth the £100 to buy it. Decisions decisions.

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