
By StephenF

Tools of the trade

I was planning to get on with the report I'm currently writing up today, but it didn't quite go as planned. My wife and I visited an elderly lady she looks out for in the village and I was detailed to get boxes down from the loft for her to sort. I've now got a collection of books to take to a charity shop and she has chosen the items she wants to sell. When we got home I was inveighled to help sort out the hall coat cupboard. It's amazing what accumulates in coat pockets over the years! I then rang someone I've known for over 50 years and whose daughter is married to a Palestinian Israeli. She is understandably very worried about the situation so the call took quite some time as I think she found it helpful to unload on an old friend. Eventually I turned the reading light on in my study and resumed work on the report but then my wife and daughter returned from the shops and that was that. I'll fire up the computer again in the morning!

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