
By loisbiz

Unafraid of the Big Guy!

The cute little Black Capped Chickadee came to the suet while the Flicker was there; he seemed completely unafraid. There is a big difference in size!

This is a different Flicker than the two I usually see, it has a Yellow tail color; the usual ones have an Orange tail. 

Today we celebrated Ellie's birthday. Her birthday is actually October 30th but we needed to have the party on a Saturday so her Mom and Grandmother could come. She had 5 little friends and they had a great time. She got lots of nice gifts, mostly Barbies or Craft/Drawing supplies. She was very happy and graciously thankful for each gift. She wanted a Chocolate cake and she loved it; last year she didn't eat any of her cake.. I guess that is good....or maybe not? She has never had much of a sweet tooth...hmmmm...maybe changing. I included a photo in the extra.

Now I need to go back out and cover my plants again; I uncovered them for the party (yes, it was at our house) and I just read it is freezing again tonight...ugh.

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