Its the Way It Is

By Jeano



It means ‘to do no harm’.

The Stanford Experiment

Holy Moly

As a Psychologist or anyone else in health care, it’s important to ‘do no harm’. We looked at ways how this was breached in the past.

We are on mid-term this week and I have a rake of assignments to do.

But anyway, I am continuing my eat healthy crusade. These blueberries are from Zimbabwe. Holy Moly. Is this ethical. Where exactly is Zimbabwe? How come they landed in South County Dublin! And is this really healthy? For who exactly (should that be whom)! So many questions!

My friend is away for the weekend and I am house-sitting for her. She has a cat. I know nothing about cats. It keeps staring at me in an accusatory fashion. But I don’t know why. I am a dog person. Dogs love you unconditionally- but this cat has me on the stand, cross examining me, suspecting me of Loitering With Intent or maybe Grand Theft Auto. Maybe I am guilty - I am confused.

Anyway in between studying and day dreaming and eventually turning on her Telly, I discover a tv channel I have never heard of and it was showing Will & Grace. And coincidentally it was showing it’s Miracle of Christmas Irish edition.

Well I laughed my head off. It’s hilarious. It’s also very irreverent- but that’s a good thing.

I had a swim at 8 and then heavy rain. Then sunshine. Then rain. Then sunshine etc all day. Irish weather is so changeable. We have nothing to complain about - so much hardship for our human brothers and sisters in other parts.

The Streets were in Dublin last week - I didn’t realise til afterwards. I love this song ..

I hope you are all enjoying your Sunday. It’s Bank Holiday here in Ireland.

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