
By analogconvert13

Wrist Strap. Lumix M4/3 14mm

For many years, I have held the view that cameras do not leave their usual place of rest without a neck or wrist strap.  Life happens, I've heard too many horror stories; precision optical equipment slipping out of a hand...  A strap minimizes the chances.
I have been finding that when I use the Lumix GX9 in portrait position, my right thumb runs into all the control buttons on the back, changing settings in the middle of a shot.  It's very annoying, the price to pay for having a compact camera with so many capabilities.  The answer is a wrist strap.  Some years back, before I went digital, I regularly used my dad's 1939-vintage Leica II, which does not have eyelets for a neck strap.  I suppose the Leitz people, or perhaps Oscar Barnack himself, thought that the camera would live in a leather carry case which would have the necessary neckstrap.   I decided to cobble together a wrist strap which would attach to the tripod mount on the camera bottom.  It worked perfectly.  Today, I dug it out and attached it to the GX9 to see if it would solve my problem.  I'm not sure if it will, since some tension between wrist and camera is necessary to brace the weight, and my home-grown strap has no provision for adjusting the strap length.  Field experiments are required.  A quick internet search reveals that there are wrist straps aplenty available out there if necessary.

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