Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles

Sleepy Upsy Daisy

I was on the phone in the kitchen for 20 minutes today. Krystal kept going on in the background so I told her to go to the living room till I came off the phone. So what would have been about 10-15 minutes later, this is what I found. She'd got dressed up as Upsy Daisy and then crashed out!

This is something amazing, Krystal never falls asleep just like that. Ever. Even as a baby (she's 2 now) she didn't sleep in pram, never fell asleep in high chair. She just cries when she's tired. And especially with no dummy? Must have been exhausted!

For those not "in the know" - Upsy Daisy is a character from popular kids show In The Night Garden. Those who have seen it I'm sure will agree it's really a bit strange and those who wrote it must have been on something!

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