
By Lsquare

Sunday Morning Service, Afternoon Harvest Festival

We've been asking God to send us rain and cooler temperatures and both  arrived today.  Having seen the forecast earlier in the week, we had already made plans to move our Harvest Festival activities indoors,but that was done after we gathered for worship and praise to God and a sermon concerning the church in Revelation that nobody wants to be.  We began our service with congregational praise, followed by the welcome from Matt.  The choir, orchestra and all our dedicated accompanists followed that up with the joyful anthem, "We Will Remember". The congregation lifted hearts and voices in more songs of corporate worship, before Pastor Wes took us to Revelation 3:14-22 where we find the letter God inspired John to write to the church at Laodicea.  They were a wealthy city of the times,  prominent in  the areas of finance, manufacturing and medicine.  They seemed to have everything going for them in the eyes of the world around them, but God looked at their hearts and found them to be lacking humility and insight to the point where they had become useless to God because they were such a poor reflection of Jesus to their world.  Still He loved them and offered them the chance to turn things around.  Pastor Wes has much more to say about why the Laodicean church needs to change, how that change could come about and what would be the reward for making the change.  And if you think you know what verse 15 meant to that church at that time, you just might be surprised----I know I was!  The pictures on the bottom row of the collage came from the Harvest Festival and there is one I did not take among them.  No prizes for guessing which one.  As it is still Pinktober, please join me in clicking on the link below to help fun mammograms for those who cannot afford to pay      


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