Findo Gask Rape Seed Fields

I managed to resist the urge to post yet another Loch Lomond shot. It was a beautiful still morning at the loch and 11 of us headed in. Some went to Duck Bay, but I'm feeling rather smug for my 1 hour 10 minutes without wetsuit. Heather and I swam together to Cameron House where Mel and Fee were waiting for us to check on progress. Some of the faster guys headed round to Duck Bay and the early shift were coming back from their Duck Bay trip. So we waited for them to join us before heading back to shore where Cammie, Heather and Ken ditched their suits and we headed back out to the sticks for a few moments of contemplation, some wise words from the philosopher and a replenishment of chi all round. Dave and Jenny reached Cameron House and back by the shore side route; a great accomplishment for Jenny who is one of the newer recruits.

After that I headed to Perth for a full day meeting and had to stop just off the A9 to take this shot. I've managed a quick dog walk to loosen off my legs and now await JT's return for some food before I head out to meet the girls for a catch up.

Weekend has started!

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