
By fitzbilly

The Wedding - The Big Day

A truly memorable day!

It all started at 8am as far as daughter#2 was concerned, she was first on the list for hair and make up. I walked mrsfb and daughter#1 from the hotel to the apartment for their appointments at 9am. It was pretty warm, more like summer than October. I got there myself, fully suited and booted for 11.30am, along with the page boys and their dad.

It was then organised chaos for a bit as we somehow managed to get people and suitcases into various taxis for the church. But superbly organised chaos it was, until eventually only daughter#2 and myself were left to be driven to the church in our Mercedes limo. We managed the whole process without losing a single suitcase, although mrsfb's almost ended up somewhere else in Germany as we all forgot it was in the boot of our limo. Even the driver forgot about it. Luckily we got it back in time to be loaded into the coach to take everyone from the church to the reception in Aying.

The service itself was moving and enjoyable, especially when I could relax after I had delivered my one line, with gusto according to the Reverend Dan.

There were nibbles at the church before we moved on to Aying, and then at Aying things kicked off with our new SIL tapping a keg of local Ayinger beer, followed by the cutting of the cake (or rather cakes) so we could have Kaffe & Kuchen, and finally the speeches and dinner. The speeches were done between courses. I was on first which was good as I could then relax. I think my speech went OK, though I'm not sure all my humour was fully appreciated :-)

During and after dinner there was a bluegrass band, with our new SIL joining them on banjo for a few numbers. Rory and Joe were the only children there and they did us proud. Afterwards dancing until 1 am, though we only lasted until 11pm, so missed out on the midnight currywurst.

One of the many great touches was the seating plans. Mrsfb was next to her German penfriend from her school days, Monika, who she hadn't seen since daughter#2's christening when she was a godmother. She brought her dog, Emma, the most well behaved dog I have ever seen.

So, all in all an excellent day, one we will never forget. And they even managed to arrange for the clocks to go back so we got an extra hour in bed :-)

One year ago:

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