Elwetritsches Welt

By Elwetritsche


I'm not working today and tomorrow - using up overtime - and Wednesday is a holiday. A short workweek ahead.

The weather forecast was again endless rain and I took off for a walk just before noon when the sky looked a little better (but with the largest umbrella I own). Managed 7 km, a round trip across the Bruch and I choose only paved paths for obvious reasons. No need for the umbrella, but the rain came back not long after I was at home again. I was just lucky.

Main photo is the Schwarzbach, a little stream which is again meandering in the Bruch landscape. Many years it was forced in a straight bed, but many streams have been renaturated in the last years and so was the Schwarzbach. A lot of water in it today, but the Bruch will easily deal with that.

Extra 1: Wet spot (you can see the trees of extra 2 in the background)
Extra 2: Walking back from the Bruch into the neighbour town, a nice path with many yellow and wet leaves above me and on the path

More rain in the forecast; it would be nice to be lucky again tomorrow. Rain is fine with me, but please no wind.

19:15; 12°C

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