
By MarilynParker

Mainly a waiting game day

The acer is shedding its leaves so autumn is in full flow. The avenue trees have shed piles of leaves but there are still many more to go. The rain has flattened the oriental poppies. 
I wanted to go for a walk today but it wasn't to be.
I rang the GP surgery at 08:15 to try to get an appointment for the skin problems - sores on my right foot are worse and it's painful to walk now. some of my fingernails are peeling away from my fingers. My ears are flared up again and other parts of my body. I really think I should get a dermatology referral as the GP seems to be guessing at what's wrong and what might help. This has been ongoing since August last year! I have been applying different creams for all that time and using steroid creams for the last 6 months. The receptionist said she would talk to the duty doctor and get  back to me. She rang back later in the morning and asked could I send a photo and when Is aid yes, she said she will send a link. She said the doctor will ring me back after seeing the photo.
I had a problem with the link - it worked but the website wouldn't have my date of birth. Tried twice - failed. Tried a third time and worked. I waited in all day till turned 3pm but then had to go for my covid booster to a pharmacy. I left my phone with Terry in the car while I bobbed in for the jab. No call.
I had given up on getting called but at 18:17 I got a call to ask if I can go in tomorrow at 17:20 for more photos and while the HCA is doing the photos the doctor will "call in".
I'm waiting till the shoulder and cataract appointments are due, still, and Terry has not heard anything about his hip replacement yet. He is in constant pain and was expecting to get the op done in November.
Getting fed up now. Apologies for the moan!
On a brighter note, Terry had forgotten to put food out for the hedgehogs and it was dark when he went to do it, only to find a young hedgehog in the hedgehog house, waiting!

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