Penguin Droppings

By gen2

Shag Rocks + Shags

Monday October 30th 2023
Shag Rocks
At Sea - First Icebergs and Shag Rocks

am.  Mandatory bio-security checks for South Georgia

pm.  1 hour lecture by historian on Sir Earnest Shackleton.

We crossed the Antarctic convergence yesterday afternoon and late this morning we passed four moderately large icebergs - the first to be sighted on this trip.

About three-quarters of the way between the Falkland Islands and South Georgia there is a group of a few steep rocky outcrops known as 'Shag Rocks'.  The captain said we were making good time and would deviate slightly to take us past them.  Just before 2pm, he announced that we were at the closest approach but they were hidden in a fog-bank. Suddenly, the fog parted and looming out of the mist were the rocks, presenting us with a very atmospheric vista.

We arrive at South Georgia around 5am

Main Shag Rocks complete with shags. The extras are Shag Rocks in fog and one of the icebergs

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