
By 58jc

One from America

My sister is visiting my nephew in California - we used to get lots of photos on our Whatsapp group but recently not so many so I asked C to send some.  Pumpkin carving was something they were doing with Nanny and looks like they made a good job?

My day was fairly pedestrian starting as usual with BP.  I don't really like the instructor but smile through the annoyance!  Home for breakfast and a shower and I wanted to plant some more (of the never ending) bulbs but the rain was horrible.  I had an eye test scheduled for 2.00 and OH came with me as he wanted to get a golf umbrella (despite me telling him Christmas was coming).  I got the all clear in the sight test and also the one where they look behind your eyes for early stages of glaucoma etc.  Home for tea and cake and then OH took my car in for tyre repair and I did some more of my patchwork although have run out of material now so need to buy some more.

Had a chat with No.1 who was walking and told me about her lovely weekend.

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