Music and Books

We were getting a bit a thin on Science and Technology at work and this book was amongst those that some other library sent us in response to a request for help. Not something I'd read myself (maths, duh!) but crying out for blipping. Now the one underneath I have read recently - it's 'Silence' by Jan Costin Wagner, my New Favourite Author. I'm currently reading 'Ice Moon', the first and, for me, last (I've been reading them, slowly, backwards) of his three books about Finnish police detective Kimmo Joentaa. They're being marketed as 'Nordic Noir' but they're a bit more existential than gory, and the author is actually German, despite his chosen setting. There's a really compelling distance to them (Kimmo drifts through them all in a curiously detached blur after losing his wife in the first one) that might be deliberate or just the result of reading a German author writing about Finnish culture in translation. Either way, I can definitely even see myself re-reading these fairly soon...

Music-wise, Middleman linked to this song just the other day but I thought I'd drop it too because Tom asked me yesterday if it was my 'jam' since I've been listening to it all week. It's got a kind of hip, Galaxie 500 vibe but shot through a summery, West Coast filter - it'd be perfect for the sunshine if we were still getting any! Otherwise, I've pretty much just had the new Camera Obscura and Boards of Canada albums on what I believe they call 'heavy rotation.'

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