
By Mover

Teach Yourself to Fly

For only 2/6.
A World War Two aviator once lived here. He was taught by the RAF but he probably read this book, and later reread it many times reliving how glorious it was to fly. I remember him telling us how he flew into the complete circle of a rainbow.

The author, Nigel Tangye was a British hero; journalist, author, airman, teacher, and possibly even spy. What better man to help you learn to fly?

First published in 1938, Teach Yourself To Fly was not only one of the very first Teach Yourself books to be published but the first to actually change the world. It was used on the eve of the second world war to prepare pilot recruits and conscripts before they were called for service, and as such it was read religiously by thousands of young men, some as young as 17, and directly impacted on the British war effort.

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