
By Marionb

The Chosen Ones... least for now...Some may still have to go...later...

I actually went through my art How-To books today and believe it or not, forced myself to weed out some! The ones that didn't make the cut are in the extra...Doesn't look like an impressive number, but around here, any item headed for the Salvation Army charity shop is a cause for celebration. 

My next challenge will be to attack my shelves of art books on my favourite artists ...I made a wee start on them today, but soon gave up; it was just too hard to get rid of any of them...I begrudgingly discarded five which did not even make a noticeable dent...but I will try again tomorrow..or the next day...or ....

Meanwhile, it seems that I was a bit hasty with my comment about the snow not flying yet? this morning it did! (extra) is still October! October 31 to be exact...but fortunately, the ghosts and goblins were still able to enjoy an evening of trick-or-treating as it all melted in time!  

Lots of cute little devils, fairies, witches, tigers, and cartoon characters showed up at my door tonight with open bags, but I seem to have over-estimated the numbers when buying all that candy...drat..there's a whole lot left over...oh darn..... 

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