
By Dakers

Water, Water, Everywhere

And not a drop to drink! Today, anyway.

Pat woke me up at 2:30 a.m. to ask me about the loud gurgling noise.  As soon as my ‘compis’ was ‘mentis’ I knew exactly what the gurgling signified. It was our water supply rapidly draining back down the water main.

Turning on a cold water tap confirmed the diagnosis. Pat called  Scottish Water and they noted our situation and promised to check. 

Very quickly they came back and confirmed a problem in our local area.  The water had been damaged and they would repair the main as soon as the damage was diagnosed. 

The website provided very full status reports and water was flowing through the cold water taps more quickly than predicted.

Today’s photo shows the ‘clergy’ cold water tap flowing until clear water was restored. Inevitably the water supply is contaminated until the water is flowing clear.

We did have water. Bottled Highland Spring which allowed us to make coffee and cook. We could not take a shower or wash dishes, although we had full hot water tanks. It is a very bad idea to drain them in this condition.

After the water supply was restored we were able to shower.

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