Still Rockin'

By RockArea

There's a Storm Coming!

Storm Ciarán is due here very soon and it's likely to be a bit fierce here in the south west of the country. We've prepared by putting the outside furniture away so it doesn't get blown into the next county. Cato was having a kip indoors so he'd have plenty of energy for tonight. I've posted him out through his catflap and once he comes in he'll in to stay.

Today is the Wide on Wednesday challenge hosted by BobsBlips and this week Bob's looking for 'Metal'. I thought I'd go to Teignmouth before the storm blew in. High tide was a few hours earlier so the sea wasn't crashing about too much although someone told me that Back Beach had been smashed up and the beach huts laid to waste but I didn't go that way.

The surfers were having a great time but the tide was far enough out for me to get down under the pier to photograph the metal (and concrete) supports. When the sun came out some light was reflected  to the under side. I extended the exposure to capture the wave movement.

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