
By Stepram

Swanning Around!

Another day of Swanning around seeing clients, the best part of my job.

Then off to move another client into her new office, I was going to stop past a pet shop and get her an aquarium toy for her new Fish bowl come office but ran out of time.

Drove Past Ikea tonight around tea time and Toddler E announced:
"I like go Idea's Dad"
"I got a rumblely in my Tumblely"
"Have you got a Rumblely Tum"
"YES, I hungry"
"We're just going to Marks and Spencer to get something for dinner"
"I Like go to Idea's, probably get meat balls"
"Would you like to go to Ikea for dinner?"
"YES PLEASEEEEEE .... I be good boy Mummy Pleaseeeeee"

So meat balls for dinner then, Its hard to say know to him when he's that cute!

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