
By photosbyjon

Day 164 of 365 - Down in the Crypt!

Welcome to day 164 of 365 (Finished image after Editing)

The original photo was taken early this afternoon in Berkswell village. The image is of the Crypt beneath the parish Church of St John the Baptist. Standing in the newer part of the Crypt (the Octagonal part that is dated to the late 12th century), looking past the Font made from Caen stone towards the earlier Eastern part of the Crypt, that was built in the mid 12th Century. The current Norman Church was rebuilt over an earlier Saxon Wooden Church. The stone foundations are still visible in the crypt. The Saxon Church was probably built around the mid 8th century.

As always the shot was taken with my iPhone 5. The photo was taken using the camera App PureShot for iPhone. The original image can be found here: Unedited original Image.

First of all I used the app Snapseed to edit the image. The edits were made by straightening the photo, then applying the Drama filter. I then used an app called Romantic Photo to change the tone and lighting of the image with the Golden Memories Dark Red preset. Next I used ShockMyPic to help give the image a more painted look. Finally I used Distressed FX to add extra texture to the image using the Cole overlay and the Karma Texture.

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