
By MerrilHope

Old and new

Just 36 hours since my (very) old machine gave up the ghost, and going on line to buy a new one, Vestel service delivered and installed my new washing machine this morning. It has wifi and more programmes than I'll ever use, and oh my how quiet it is, even on full spin - especially after the old one that would have, could have, been found dancing in the street at full volume if the front door was open....

Graham kindly took me in to Akbuk this afternoon to go to the villa and check out the tidying up of the garden that the estate agent arranged yesterday.  Very clean, neat and tidy, it now looks like someone lives there (extra). The pool will be cleaned on Monday,. The residue of green mozzie breeding water was left by the previous owners and as it isn't legal to leave a pool like this, the vendor's estate agent is paying for all this clearing and cleaning up. Yay. 

Early evening we three (Graham, Kat and me) sat in the garden chatting over a beer before an at home alone evening with simple dinner and Netflix.

Today's photo was taken this morning on the daily woofer walk.  I know bougainvillea isn't a flower, but it is as pretty as one.

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