
By NatureWatcher30

It'll Be No Problem.....

....she said, 'Easy to retrieve', a 'piece of cake'

Those words were words young Tony was cursing right now, as he realised what he'd have to do to retrieve his wife's smartphone.

It was at the bottom of a ton of suet, was well and truly covered in it, and it was wet.

He was just relieved that the phone had been built by a fruit manufacturer, who apparently knew how to make phones, and that it would work so well many feet underwater - why the heck you'd want to use your phone underwater was a mystery to Tony.

Thankfully Tony retrieved the phone, quickly realising that if he dropped it on his foot, it would hurt, and if lying down, and he accidentally dropped it in his face it would knock him out.....

Yet this thing was revered! Well, at least you could eat a genuine apple, this one could be used to knock you out!

Tony made a note to himself, not to take the mickey out of his wife's phone again, at least it was well used - for all the right reasons, despite being named after a fruit....

Tony smiled at the thought, his wife had always swore she'd never so much as look at an apple, yet she used one every day, difference was, eating this variety was most certainly rubbish for one's health.

Take care all, and keep safe :-)

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