
By Almondblossom

Water, water

It’s been such a vile day I decided to post a blip from yesterday. The water levels here are high. There’s not supposed to be water in front of this block, but on a sunny day it looks fabulous. We’re on yet another flood alert but there’s a lot of room on the flood fields. Here’s hoping it’ll settle down soon.

In Albi news, he’s been uncharacteristically ratty today, lots of yapping and jumping up but he’s finally asleep. It’s like having a hangry child around again! Hoping for a better day tomorrow. The extra is from early this morning, Albi was sitting quietly outside my shed watching the rain. This evening he has hated the fireworks. The field at the end of my garden is where the huge town display happens so it’s pretty intrusive. I feel a letter to the parish council about quiet fireworks coming on…

I hope you’ve all managed to stay dry and warm, feels like winter is fully here. Thanks to everyone who has visited my journal, your comments, stars and hearts and very much appreciated.

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