simple moments

By simplemoments


…in the clouds


the mountains

i woke to a subtle glow - coming through my bedroom - window, feeling slightly confused - because my windows - face west towards - the mountain range - and typically i see - a slight gray hue - in the morning - but the clouds were - so huge and the sunrise - so vast and brilliant - with a breeze in the air - that those clouds - were being pushed - with all their majestic - color and beauty towards - the west and the mountains

i jumped (well as much - as this body allows) - out of bed - and rushed to the balcony - with the boo hot on - my heels to see - what the fuss was about - and this was the result - a magnificent display of - a cloud burst in the skies - only something our masterful - creator could paint for us - to enjoy in the morning hours - and then to lead us to…


happy day…..

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