my new best friend...

...well for 48 hours anyway.

It's been a tough few weeks in Daunti's world. Gosh I hate complaining, but is it complaining or is it how it is. I haven't been feeling well since I had what I call a spell. Sort of passing out at the dinner table two weeks ago (think I would call that a spell). Well since that, my head has been feeling like it is floating on the clouds and feeling all out of balance, not a good feeling. I have also been filled with fear of that spell thing happening again, yep good at the fear thing, I am, not proud of it. Needless to say we have been dealing with an enormous amount of stress in our family. More fear for me. With all this and my head in the clouds 24/7 I thought it's time to make a trip to the doctors. I was hoping it would just go away. Well all said and done, I was put on bed rest that day because of my blood pressure beng extremely high, told to come back the next day to get check again to see if the numbers go down (or else, didn't like the or else stuff), my medication was increased, I was sent home with a heart monitor and told to relax....geez. So here I am following the doctors orders, me and my new best friend. We are attached, don't have a choice :).

Note to Self:

Reality check... Yep... things need to change and I need to find a better way to deal with fear and stress. Enough is enough, when enough is enough is what I tell my PreK students. Need to practice what I preach.

A wise person accepts things as they come...The Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu.

I want to be wise and not be the kind of person who tries to control the future. I'm very good at controlling the future and not proud of it. Gonna start giving God that job. He's got a much better handle on that and has so much more experience :)

Oh last but so not least...

I love you Eddy Mann, (aka husband) you are my Bat Mann.

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