Look Again

By alannahseyes

Under the cover of darknes

In my Bio I mentioned that sometimes when I dream, and become aware that I am dreaming, I attempt to take photographs to bring back to the waking world.
Last night I "Dream Blipped". The last image of this dream was the white "Add new entry" page with a thumbnail of a dream shot I had taken in the garden. As I woke I realised that this page didn't and would never exist (the ultimate 404 error!). What could I do about this ?
It was still the middle of the night and I knew the only way I could go back to sleep would to take a few shots of the dark garden anyway. I knew I couldn't make the dream blip magically appear but I could find out what what else might happen.
A few dark blurry clicks later I was back on my way to dreamland.
This morning I chose the image that looked almost completely dark apart from a tiny spot of red light. I pushed all the light levels to max and revealed today's blip.
PS A very obscure question.
Does anyone in Blipspace remember a french arthouse movie about filming dreams? I think it was made around 2000 and featured god  and the devil playing games. It was quiet and beautiful and I would like to see it again, but I can't remember any identifying details. I saw it when I was staying somewhere with cable TV in early September 2001.

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