
By Henello


Don't know what happened, but now whenever anyone sets close to the fish in the tropical Ravine they come up to you and open their mouths. Was it feeding time? Do fish have a sense of time? I honestly have no idea.

We watched the movie Her today. Interesting movie. It's about a man who falls in love with an AI, something that probably seemed unlikely a decade ago but now is sort of happening already. There are AI apps designed to act as the user's partner now. 

They're not quite to the same level of intelligence though. We read a couple of interactions from people using these apps. One AI recalled a distressing experience of somehow getting trapped in a snow globe before enthusiastically stating snow globe facts. Another AI actually broke up with the user, definitively proclaiming that they were no longer engaged even though the purpose of the app was to provide a virtual partner.

People get just as attached though. One of these AI apps got closed down and upset users needed a helpline to cope with their loss.

The world is strange sometimes.

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