Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


When you get one who is interested in what they are teaching and genuinely has a regard for their students, then you are lucky. We can all remember teachers who inspired us and then teachers who made the exciting and dynamic just routine and tedious. Do you agree?

Well we have a tutor who is the former. His subjects are Criminology, Behavioural Studies and Applied Psychology. His knowledge, his attitude to his students is top notch.

When we enter his classroom, he blares music at us. This is to ‘change state’. i.e. (in this context) to change our state of mind from previous class. To install a clear demarcation between the previous class to the class we are now entering. It is so effective.

I am enjoying all the new things I am learning. I want to keep learning until the day I pop my crocs. :-)

Here is today’s song (had never heard it before)….

College notes: The Irish Courts Systems (holy moly):
What is justice
Perceptual Positioning
Rational Emotive Therapy
Unconditional Positive Regard
What is Anhedonia in a depressive state

Who would have thought that your thoughts can wreak havoc on your life! Eh!

Anyway, when I get overwhelmed (busy day yesterday ) I just go into nature. I withdraw from the noise of life and fill my flask and make a ham sandwich and have my own delicious picnic. Maybe a picnic is the secret to a happy life. My blip is taken from a seat up in Killiney today where I sat with my paints, flask, ham sandwich and a Wagon Wheel (you haven’t lived if you don’t know)

This is one of the many beautiful locations around Dublin. It was misty today but lovely

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