Footprints made by Izzy

By IzzyandME

{Baby wearing}

Izzy wanted to wear baby after her bath!

This morning started at swimming, which Izzy didnt do too bad at, I was getting VERY annoyed though as there were 11 children in her class as they were jumping across the pool instead of swimming so were pushing Izzy out of the way. Not happy at all especially as I pay alot of money for these lessons!
So anyway we then went to the cafe to watch some of her friends swimming in the later classes, then off to town to run some errands and then to the library, where Izzy decided she wanted ALL the Roald Dal books, bear in mind she is not quite 5!!
We then came home for lunchtime and have had a fantastic lazy afternoon of reading, listening to reading books on the cd player, playing board games and some giggles!!

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