
By Melisseus

Selling ourselves

Shopping. I find my contrarian hackles disproportionately raised by the pricing policy of the only large supermarket for 30km. One price for loyalty card members, another for the rest of us. A significant difference on a high proportion of goods. The initiates-only price in a larger font and colour-highlighted. I put significant time and effort into avoiding all products on which there is a bribe-price. How trivial; how first-world focussed; how self-absorbed; how futile. But notice in passing the value they put on buying my personal information and conditioning my behaviour; it makes them look desperate. We will be exploring all avenues to avoid going back

A wet, cold, windy day. Perfect for shopping and making bread and preparing for a friend who is staying for a few days. A last-minute dash to the nearest access-point for a glimpse of the setting sun and spray on our faces. A view of fading light, a hint of blue before the next wave of rain, more folded strata on the cliff face, and a fretful sea, impatient to unleash its energy

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