Blush response

By Esper

A Farewell To Arms

On This Day In History
1775: Birth Of The U.S. Marine Corps.

Quote Of The Day
"Marines don't know how to spell the word "defeat.""
(Jim Mattis)

Well, I think that level of ignorance in the armed services  is utterly deplorable. There are eight and nine year olds in my class who can spell mathematician, arithmetician, cybernetician, diagnostician, linguistician, metaphysician, geopolitician, paediatrician, dialectician, logistician, universe and biodiversity.

I think it's about time we put an end to all the death and destruction in warfare. The next time nations have a dispute, let them resolve it with a spelling bee competition.

Let the measure of a man be the size of his vocabulary.

Wordy Rappinghood

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